Case studies
Machine Vision solution for manufacturing industry
#Cloud #Healthcare #Consulting
Customer is into manufacturing of cookies, biscuits and other confectionery items. They manufacture more than 20 tonnes of product monthly.

Proven Track Record


Customer Satisfaction


We Have Completed


Average Answer Time

Customer was receiving a lot of complaints about the quality of biscuits that they were sending for packaging leading to a financial penalty on them. Humans were not able to react in time to sort through a batch in time to remove unacceptable biscuits.
It comprised of 2 aspects form our side.

Industrial automation

  • Setting up of a robotic arm to pick biscuits off a conveyor belt
  • Mounting a camera to capture images of the assembly line and send it across real time

Software automation

  • Software that is able to read the images and create a vector for vision model
  • Train vision model to identify anomalies, color, size, foreign particle, broken piece, etc.
  • Optimize vision model to infer and send coordinates to robotic arm for extraction of articles with anomaly
  • Improvement in quality by more than 90% of the product that the customer was shipping
  • Financial benefit saving approximately $1.3 million annually in penalty
  • Improve working conditions for employees as they do not have to take risks removing biscuits with anomaly
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