Case studies
Case studies
AI solution for Edtech organization
#AI #EducationTechnology
Edtech startup working with enterprises and schools to improve the way education is delivered to people from all walks of life.

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Customer was using zoom to deliver its courses to students in a virtual environment. They wanted a mechanism to create a transcript of the discussion that happened in classroom for kids to refer to later. They also wanted to to tag key actions to be taken by the students.
  • Whisper model deployed for automatic speech recognition and transcript creation
  • Embeddings and transcripts stored in custom database
  • Llama V2 LLM used to retrieve key actions and provide insights using object identification
  • Interactive chat provided for retrieval of information from transcripts using RAG
  • Open Source foundational models are fine-tuned using contextual data
  • Models are hosted in their own data center, inference endpoints are exposed as APIs
  • Models are kept up to date using AIOPs
  • Enable differently abled person to follow the courseware
  • Ability to identify action items helps tutors keep track of tasks
  • Ability retrieve the information at will helps ease of use for tutors as well students
  • Enhanced customer experience
  • Choice of LLM is left to the customer, solution is validated using 3 methods, hosted, API & our own
  • Vector databases and embeddings are used to ensure LLMs do not hallucinate and provide accurate results
  • Orchestration uses a mix of custom python code for most tasks with langchain being used for specific use cases where chaining makes sense
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